LGBT Phenomena in Indonesia, Ranging from Discrimination Until Go To The Hell

Demonstration about LGBT in Indonesia

SPEAKUP - Discussing the issue of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) in Indonesia is still practically TABU. Many people think that LGBT behavior is an infectious disease that must be avoided. Some people also say if LGBT perpetrators are hell experts. Some of the perpetrators admitted that he was a sinner but they also did not know why the could have sexual behavior like that.

Are they wrong ???

Should we stay away from them ???


Should we accept them ???

Some time ago, SPEAKUP came from an LGBT actor who claimed to have lost his virginity since he was 15 years old and with the same gender. He felt more comfortable with the same gender compared with women. Sometimes he even offers Gay prostitution services to married men who want to try something different. Unmitigated the rate could reach 2 to 10 million once played.

But behind it all there is a bitter story that he experienced as a child. There is no attention from parents, feeling abandoned by parents is not even considered by the family to be a factor they seek attention from outside.

There is also the story of a gay man who was a victim of sodomy. Divorce of parents is also a factor of sexual deviation like that.

Then what should they do ??

if you follow the norms of religion, as we know Indonesia is a country with the largest adherents of Islam and of course it's FALSE and NOT RIGHTENED !!! And maybe not only Islam, some religions also do not justify LGBT actions. However, it is appropriate if we discriminate them. Think of those viruses to be avoided?

Although in religion, LGBT it is banned but it does not mean religion forbids to stay away from LGBT actors.

Because in any religion, it must teach solidarity to others. Including to LGBT actors.

Then what is your view of LGBT ??

To make it even clearer you can watch my youtube channel on the SUNDAY TALK episode about the LGBT Phenomenon.
